Heaven on Earth for Veterans, Inc.
Sheila Mutascio
September 30, 1965 - November 11, 2022
Sheila Mutascio
September 30, 1965 - November 11, 2022

​It is with great sadness that the Board of Directors of Heaven on Earth for Veterans announces the passing of their Deputy Director Sheila Mutascio. In 2013, Sheila along with Director Carol Barkalow and Treasurer Laura Be​rkowitz, founded HOEV with the mission of providing safe, affordable housing to homeless veterans in Pinellas County. Since then, hundreds of veterans have passed through the doors. Sheila was involved in all aspects of the operation and was the cornerstone to the organization's success.
Sheila passed away on Veterans Day 2022. That seems fitting for someone who spent the later part of her life helping veterans. A Celebration of Life was held on Dec 3, 2022 at Sheila and Carol's home. Sheila was interred at West Point on May 13th, 2023.