Heaven on Earth for Veterans, Inc.

Founded in March 2013, Heaven on Earth for Veterans, Inc. (HOEV) provides quality living spaces for veterans in need. HOEV is a 501(c)3, non-profit. The organization’s founders include 3 women: a retired Army officer, LTC Carol A. Barkalow, a member of the first class of women to attend West Point; a real estate entrepreneur, Sheila Mutascio; and a communications specialist with a background in non-profits, Laura Berkowitz.
HOEV purchases and fully furnishes houses in Pinellas County to offer living spaces for veterans who cannot afford to own or rent on their own. All household equipment from silverware to linens to pots and pans to laundry facilities is included. Veterans lease private bedrooms and the common living areas are shared. The cost of renting a bedroom ranges from $400 to $600 per month. All utilities are included as well as cable and internet access in the common area. In addition, common areas within the homes are cleaned by a cleaning service biweekly.
The veterans' shared background of service facilitates mutual support and companionship in a safe environment while providing a soft place for veterans in need to land. The Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs is committed to ending veteran’s homelessness. HOEV supports that commitment by offering low cost, safe, comfortable housing.
We continue to need support from the community to ensure each house is well taken care of. Anything will help. 100% of your donation goes to help veterans in need.